I don't think you need to apologize, because it wasn't about expecting to be presented solutions on a silver platter in this case. It was more about not understanding what you meant when saying that "MIN usage display only works when 2 instances of the CPU meter are running" and the fact that going through your skin line by line to try to figure out what does that actually mean in terms of code isn't feasible (at least for me), that's all. In other words, there's no precise description of the problem to help me (or us) come up with a solution, because:First of all, as far as I understood your answers correctly through the translator [...] I'm still all ears if anyone has an idea, guess, etc. about it.
- a value provided by the skin isn't influenced by meters, but by MEASURES, so missing such a value doesn't make sense, being provided by HWiNFO
- while displaying something is indeed related to meters, your "working" screenshot presents two SKIN instances, not meter instances, as far as I can tell
- I can't replicate the issue, since, as you could see in my screenshot, the MIN usage was displayed fine on my system
So, that's why I didn't offer a solution for that. Where I understood what issue you referred to, I did provide a solution, like in the CPU speed / frequency case. Also, the Win 11 issues are only related to the CPU usage of individual processes, not the total or core CPU usages. It isn't that important to understand what it's all about, just the effects of it (like, for example, the CPU usage of the "Rainmeter.exe" process being lower than it should be, compared to other overall CPU usage data).
Being less dependent on 3rd party programs is not an objective per se, if those programs provide what you want. Apparently this wasn't the case when it came to the CPU speed, which is why I suggested a more "internal" solution. As for describing other problems, it would help to simplify either the code in a basic sample and see if the issue still occurs, or be more precise in terms of code (e.g. "hey, [MeasureXYZ] at line NNN in ABC.ini doesn't yield what I want - how to fix it" or something along those lines).
Statistics: Posted by Yincognito — Yesterday, 10:27 pm